New Full Color Options
It's been too long since my last post! Things have been really busy at SpeedBinder, and the time just gets away from me.
We have a really exciting new offering. In the past, if you wanted a Full Color Binder, you had two options: You could go with "entrapment style" construction or with litho print directly on vinyl.

The binder on the left (with the horses) is an example of an entrapment style.

The advantage of litho style construction is that there is no seam or break in the artwork as it transitions around the hinges on the binder. Litho style construction also allows your custom artwork to run all the way to the edges of the front and back covers and spine. Also, litho style binders can be constructed with padded covers. Entrapment style binders can not.
Unfortunately, in the past the only way to get the benefits of litho style construction was to either buy in large quantities (1000 units or more), or pay extremely high per-unit costs.
Now, thanks to SpeedBinder's innovation, all that has changed. We now offer full color, litho print binders in small quantities at a fraction of their former cost. This is still a premium product, so expect to pay more than you would for entrapment style binders.
Only SpeedBinder offers you these two great Full Color Binder options: Entrapment style construction for high graphic impact at an affordable price, and Litho style construction for maximum impact and flexibility.
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