Wikipedia is a free, Internet based encyclopedia project. It is interesting because anyone can contribute. Anyone!
SpeedBinder has its own page in the Wikipedia encyclopedia.
There is an interesting dynamic here. The history of many businesses is lost forever because they never get around to writing it down. Wikipedia provides a forum that allows that business history to be captured.
On the other hand, for commercial reasons, many businesses may not want their history to be fully known. And what happens when a competitor posts inaccurate or unflattering information about a company? Wikipedia is based on the concept of community participation, so literally anyone can contribute to any page. But some companies are so small that there may only be one or two people who really understand the history of the company. In that case, how can a Wikipedia member validate the information? Where is the line between historical information and folk stories that have grown up around a family business?
In any case, SpeedBinder is built around the complete, open information concept of the Internet. We want people to know about us, and our impact on the custom three ring binder marketplace. We will continue to work to enhance our Internet presence, both through Wikipedia and other sources.