Omaha Chamber Academy

Coming up in August, I will be presenting a course at the Omaha Chamber of Commerce "Chamber Academy". The course is titled "Internet Marketing for Small Business Success" , and is based on the sales success that we have enjoyed at SpeedBinder.
SpeedBinder started out with the idea to integrate two different facets of my experience. First, my family owned a small business when I grew up. I really enjoyed that experience, and have many fond memories of time spent as a kid participating in the family business. As an aside, the business, Minute Man Printing, is still around and doing very well, although my family sold it years ago.
Second, in my career I had done a lot of Internet marketing and business development. When the "Dot Com" bubble burst, I decided I had had enough of that world, and decided to get into something more traditional. That thought process ultimately led to the formation of SpeedBinder: A traditional company integrated with a modern, Internet based marketing strategy.
Things have gone exceptionally well. We continue to enjoy tremendous sales growth at SpeedBinder. The course the Omaha Chamber Academy is designed to share some of the tools and techniques that we are using.
Particulars in the course will include:
- Tips for getting the most out of AdWords (aka Google) and Overture (aka Yahoo)
- Banner ads vs paid search positioning
- Some fundamentals on web site design
- Basic ideas on Search Engine Optimization
- Customer service for the Internet based customer
- How small companies have an intrinsic advantage on the Internet
That's awesome, I love teaching others and one day I hope to deliver mass education to others (that is, once I'm a renowned expert in some field with appropriate initials following my name!). I found your company blog via the Wikipedia, and I found your company via It seems like you mostly get spam here, that's too bad... though I bet your main purpose with this blog is just SEO anyway. :)
Background in print/graphic/web design geekery here, and I was thinking of stopping in to apply for a position with SB. Anyway, shoot me an email sometime if you're still hiring.
Best Regards,
Brad Bower
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